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Beautifully Created from Ashes

EPIC women is a ministry to serve faith-filled, Christian women who are recovering from a cycle of rejection and want to take possession of their God-given value, so they can live a fulfilled life of worship unto the Lord.

The Lord created each of us different. Every story is unique. Your past is exclusively yours.

What you do with past brokenness after-the-fact is your choice. You can choose a life of anger, bitterness and rejection. Or you can choose a life of submission to the Lord. The latter will position you to walk through doors that can only be opened by the Father. Ones that lead to peace, joy and intimacy with Abba Father. In obedience to the Lord, you can discover your reason for being. Your purpose. Your calling. Your destiny.

He beckons you to the heavenlies. To be seated at His right side. To abide with Him in His presence. A position of worship unto Him. But it is your choice. Will you walk in obedience to His voice? Do you seek to hear what His heart’s desires are for your life?

As you completely surrender your heart to Him, you can step into this God-ordained place of worship. One that is fully consumed with the JOY of the Lord. His PEACE that passes all understanding. It is His desire that you meet Him there. Abide with Him. Reach your potential. Fulfill your destiny with much joy!

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