Look down. Where are you standing? Where are you at? Are you where you want to be? Probably not … But you are EXACTLY where God needs you to be.
Right HERE is a part of your destiny and calling. This is your authentic position! This is the place where surgery, healing and rehabilitation can take place.
Where are you currently at? Does anyone relate to these positions? They aren’t the most comfortable places, but they are reality for some people.
- Even Jesus allowed Judas in His own pack. And the betrayal had to happen.
- What if your husband leaving you was a part of the plan?
- What if the heart attack was allowed to happen?
- What if the abandonment was in the original script?
- Even if the Lord didn’t allow it to happen, He will use it for your betterment.
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

Do you pretend that none of these scenarios are happening? God already knows the truth. So why can’t we just be honest with Him.
God doesn’t bless where you pretend to be, He blesses HERE. We need to be authentic and real … not fake! What lies are you trying to cover up??
You MUST be able to identify HERE, so that the Lord can do the work HERE. This place is your training ground for your destiny and calling. It is your starting point.
This is your HERE!
Wherever HERE is for you, the Lord wants you to be happy HERE. He wants you to be healed HERE. He has destined for you to be WHOLE … RIGHT HERE! He has SOUL work to do on your … MIND, WILL and EMOTIONS. So He can do a COMPLETE work in your life … MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT!
Where are you at? Are you willing to lay down your pride and ask for help? Will you submit to the One who can heal all the wounds from your past?
The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.
Step HERE.
You only get HERE, if God was faithful back there in previous seasons. The power of HERE is defined by your history. The history brings value to HERE.
Be real with the Lord about where you are at in this very moment. The Holy Spirit wants you to be vulnerable with Him about where you are at. You need to be honest with Him about where you are. Then, He can work with what you have given Him and help you get to the next place He is calling you to.
The Holy Spirit wants you to be HERE. Because HERE is Holy. Holy is a separate place. It is authentic, even if it is an ugly place!

Sometimes in these ugly places, we don’t want to admit to ourselves … let alone anyone else where we are. It’s at these moments that we find ourselves hiding from the Lord. Are you playing hide and go seek with the Lord? He’s always looking for you. It doesn’t matter where you find yourself. He is seeking you … relentlessly!
We tend to go to a place of hiding when we do not want to admit your vulnerability. Even in the beginning … Adam and Eve went to a place of hiding.
Then the Lord God called to Adam and said to him, “Where are you?” So he said, “I heard Your voice in the garden, and I was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself.”
We become ashamed with guilt by believing the lies of the enemy, just like Adam and Eve did in the garden.
You didn’t get HERE to this place … without being hidden. The Holy Spirit hid you while He was preparing you. There is a difference in “hiding from God” and “Him keeping you hidden” for protection and preparation. Make sure you do not hide from the Lord; but allow Him to hide you while you are in the process of healing. This will allow for a complete work in you.
Where are you? You are HERE, wherever that is. And in this place, there are three basic healthy habits that you must practice while you are HERE in that hidden place. These are necessary steps that you must walk out with the Lord so that He can continue to move you from HERE to THERE.
He can reveal your calling and destiny. He can create your testimony and establish your ministry and destiny.
They are:
- 1- You must be available. Even Moses said,“Here I am.”
- Be submissive to the Lord all the time.
- 2- You must be vulnerable before the Lord. The Lord instructed Moses, “Take off your sandals …”
- Take off your protection.
- Be transparent before Him.
- This is the place of vulnerability before the Lord. Exactly as He intended for you.
And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed.
- 3- You must be sensitive to your surroundings. The place where you are standing is HOLY ground.
So when the Lord saw that he turned aside to look, God called to him from the midst of the bush and said, “Moses, Moses!” And he said, “Here I am.” Then He said, “Do not draw near this place. Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is HOLY ground.”

By answering the question … where are you? You officially have taken the first step in healing your MIND, BODY, and SPIRIT. Allow yourself to become the clay in the potter’s hands. Watch Him do remarkable and amazing things with your life.
Each day walk out these three habits in all your simple decisions. Over time, watch how your life will transform. Your HERE, will suddenly become THERE. Healing will take place. Callings will come forth. Destiny doors will begin to open.
But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.
Bottom line … seek the CROSS first before HERE … and you will eventually get THERE.
We as faith-filled women are called to be EPIC. Please consider joining me today on a quest to discover your most fulfilled life of worship before the Lord!
Connect with me here and I will assist you in discovering your healing, your freedom, your wholeness … and your fully submitted position unto the Lord!
Note: Today’s writing is inspired by a sermon series from Pastor Mike Todd, Transformation Church. If you have the time, watch the series Here is Holy. It is phenomenal and life changing!