When I first started the ministry of EPIC Women back in 2018, it was in response to a call from the Lord. My small Nazarene church did not have a women’s ministry at the time. I felt like the Lord was leading me to serve these women. He began showing me these dreams and visions of women supporting other women. This ministry became the first phase of a healing process for me. You can read more about this in my previous post, Humble … yet EPIC Beginnings! But today, I will be introducing EPIC Women – the NEW and IMPROVED!
![Introducing EPIC Women's [OG] the NEW and IMPROVED version](https://i0.wp.com/epicwomen.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/07/Sunflower-Up-Close-1024x640.jpg?resize=1024%2C640&ssl=1)
Introducing EPIC women [the OG] … again!
The Lord introduced me to one woman in particular. One who basically pulled me up out of the miry pit that I was wallowing in. You know … the one that is loathing in self-pity, darkness, and not one ounce of will to move on and live! I would have stayed in that ugly dark place … had it not been for this one woman!
She didn’t mind getting dirty. She sat in the mud with me.
The Lord showed me … she was EPIC!
She invested her time, her energy, her resources … and most importantly … HER PRAYERS!
I had recently walked through a lengthy and emotionally draining personal situation. I did NOT feel qualified to lead other women. I felt like I had been beaten and hung out to dry! Why on earth would the Lord want ME to lead anyone? Well … it’s always the unqualified who the Lord calls!!
… just in case you didn’t realize how the Lord operates. 😊
This one woman was the example of EPIC in my life. The Webster definition of EPIC is extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope.1 We, as women, are called to be EPIC. Not only in size and scope … but in these qualities denoted by the acronym of E.P.I.C. She represented all 4 of these characteristics that the Lord highlighted for me.
- E stands for EDIFY
EPIC women will EDIFY others with words. They will speak truth into and over other women. They will build them up. They will assist other to keep their eyes on what is not seen, as opposed to what is seen.
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing.
- P stands for PERSEVERE
EPIC women will PERSEVERE with others. They will endure. They will persist. They will become your Aaron and Hur. They will uphold your arms during battle so that you will be victorious. They will walk with you to obtain the promises so that you can live victoriously and experience a blessed life and freedom as your reward.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.
Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those that love Him.
- I stands for INTERCEDE
EPIC women will INTERCEDE for others. They will stand in the gap. They will cover you, your life and your spiritual battles in intercession. Even when she does not know how or what to pray, the Holy Spirit will guide and direct her.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we out to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans.
- C stands for CHARACTER OF GOD
EPIC women will reflect the CHARACTER OF GOD. They will be Christ-like first and foremost. They are created in the image of God; therefore, they will exemplify His image. His nature. His heart.
God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them.
Introducing EPIC Women’s Spirit & Truth Worship Banners
The second phase of my healing process was through the ministry of flag worship. The Lord began to beckon to me during worship in church to come and dance with Him. I could literally hear the sounds of flags in the background … but no one was flagging. I could close my eyes … and I could see the colors in the throne room. As these experiences grew more frequent, clearer and more distinct, I could no longer resist the pull from the Holy Spirit. I needed to partake in what was happening in the spirit realm and try to manifest it in the natural realm. Thus, flag worship became a standard in my worship.

People would refer me the “flag lady.” I wasn’t sure if this offended me or not … lol 😊
But soon I discovered that this fully submitted position of worship unto the Lord provided healing for my mind, body, and spirit. I could rest and be at peace in this place. I decided that being called the “flag lady” was a compliment. No one else I knew could walk in this level of freedom. I then considered it a JOY and a privilege!
Quickly the Lord stretched my boundaries again. He asked me to start making prophetic flags.
Little did I know as I began researching the creative process with other flag makers that I had been fully schooled for this in college.
I originally went to college to become a fashion designer. My BFA degree is in Retail Advertising – with a fashion design emphasis. I was required to study retail advertising, as well as fashion design. I had to study fabrics, the dying of fabrics, chemical processes, sewing, and pattern making. Even though I had used my BFA to ultimately become a graphic designer as a profession. I now was only running through a refresher fashion course … but this time I would be making worship flags and banners.
Coupling my creative abilities as a flag maker and my prophetic abilities, the Lord birthed Spirt & Truth Worship Banners [STWB]. You can read more about it here.
Lastly, EPIC Women’s #OMWG – ohmywhollygoodness
After introducing EPIC Women and STWB, the next phase [and hopefully … the last 😊] of my healing process was through #OMWG, ohmywhollygoodness.
I have struggled my entire life with food additions. Some people need drugs, alcohol, or sex. I always craved sugar and baked goods! And as a result, I struggled with weight loss and weight gain my entire life!
Brownies were my comforter.
Donuts and cake were my familiar.
And chocolate … ohhhh myyyyyy …. Chocolate was my affection!!
Little did I realize, but I had a lot of unresolved trauma and soul wounds from my childhood that needed complete healing. And it was those wounds that would draw me back to the sugary additions every time.
Once I was able to deal with those hurts completely, then I could truly experience the freedom that God had for me all along. I could now enjoy what the Lord showed me was #OMWG – ohmywhollygoodness. You can read more about it here. I could now prioritize food, health, and my body before any unhealthy addiction. I was able to lose weight and stop the emotional yo-yo dieting that I had practiced my whole life.

Each of these ministries were interwoven into my life at just the right time for me to discover healing, freedom, and wholeness. The Lord can and will use various processes to heal us. He will heal one layer at a time. And His timing is always right on time!
He has now called me to share my healing. My experiences. And His ministries … with you! I have gratefully and humbly accepted His invitation introducing EPIC Women – the NEW and IMPROVED ministry to you! It seems to be ever growing and changing. And I would love for you to join this little adventure to freedom, health, and wholeness with me … and Him, of course! Join us by following EPIC Women! Click here to subscribe.
We, as faith-filled women, are called to be EPIC. Please consider joining me today on a quest to discover your most fulfilled life of worship before the Lord!
Connect with me here, and I will assist you in discovering your healing, your freedom, your wholeness … and your fully submitted position of worship unto the Lord!
1 https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/epic?src=search-dict-box